
The diversity dilemma of COVID-19: changing the D&I agenda

D&I will not be set back by the coronavirus – instead, shift to respond to the times. Here Culture Amp’s Aubrey Blanche explains how.

Employers encouraged not to lose sight of gender equality amid crisis

Over two-thirds of UK workers would look for another job if there was an unfair gender pay gap at their company.

Five ways to go about job hunting during a pandemic

What worked before may not today. Korn Ferry details five job-hunting moves for these times.

Emerald and Evenbreak partner to promote disability inclusion

Leading publisher and a speciality job board join forces to champion disability inclusion and diversity in the workplace.

Actionable ways companies can proactively empower their female workforce

How to empower female workforces to be the leaders of tomorrow in male domincated STEM sectors, the Progress way?

Rush to adopt new tech could see companies breaking equality law

Institute for the Future of Work report questions the reliability of tech used to comply with UK equality laws.

One women’s considerable drive to pursue D&I in the Oil and Gas industry

Lame Verré talks about diversity and inclusiveness in the sector

One woman’s considerable drive to pursue D&I in the Oil & Gas industry

Lamé Verre, a petroleum economist, talks to Orient Energy Review about making a difference in the Oil & Gas industry.

Unit4: putting your people at the heart of your business

People make the place, they say; and at no other time has applying a people-centric approach to process and products been paramount.

1 in 3 employees state that bullying is an issue in UK companies

New study reveals the extent of bullying in the workplace, with 71% of employees in the UK saying they have experienced or witnessed it.