
How to support employees’ return to work after lockdown is lifted

Some employees may not want to return to work once the COVID-19 lockdown is eased. But how to support the mental health of those who do?

Will working from home become the new norm after covid-19?

The Government may be encouraging people back to work, but study reveals working from home is more appealing.

Employee burnout set to rise as lockdown fuels e-presenteeism

A data-driven approach can help identify employees falling victim to e-presenteeism in lockdown, explains TrueCue.

Access to Work updates for disabled workers should have come sooner

Access to Work: Support for disabled home workers welcome, but should have been communicated sooner, says Business Disability Forum.

Diverse workforces hold the skills needed for businesses to survive

Businesses committed to a diverse workforce may find it easier and faster to emerge from the pandemic than those dragging their feet on D&I.

Shaving my legs through COVID-19 – an entrepreneur’s story of wellbeing

Entrepreneur Henrietta Shirazu’s guide to wellbeing, self-care and style for triumphing, amid a global pandemic.

Turn LinkedIn green for Mental Health Awareness Week 2020

Mental health always matters, but as we spend Mental Health Awareness Week social distancing, people need support now, more than ever.

Future Fund loans showcase the lack of diversity in VC and start-ups

As 13 men devised the Future Fund Loans during the coronavirus, diversity has been left behind by the Government loan for businesses.

Sky Women In Technology Scholarship: A hero’s guide to gardening

Rachel Clancy, Co-founder of Tea Creature Designs talks about how the Sky Women In Tech Scholarship will help further her business.

2020 Future Stars in Tech Shortlist has been announced

Going into its third year, the Shortlist for the Future Stars in Tech Awards 2020 have been revealed ahead of the ceremony in September.