
Fintech community asked to participate in real-time diversity study

Privately held fintech firms from around the world are being asked to get involved with a data study to show where they’re going wrong with diversity, starting with women

Could fintech review stimulate greater gender and race inclusion?

A UK fintech review wants to foster further growth by training and upskilling the sector’s future workforce which is good, as long as existing gender and racial inequalities are recognised

Diverse recruitment doesn’t exist in fintech yet, says new report

Despite its reputation for innovation, the fintech sector is troubled by a culture of silence on diversity.

FinTech and Financial Services urged to donate tech to support children from low-income backgrounds

Project highlights the growing demand to diversify the industry by inspiring kids from different backgrounds to look at FinTech

Femtech Partners: opening fintech to women in South East Asia

FemTech Partners’ Neha Mehta is on a mission to attract more women to fintech, boost equality and drive financial inclusion.

Women in FinTech: time to consign the concerns to history?

With the right working policies and role models, concerns about women in FinTech should be rapidly consigned to history.