Search results for: young girls

Why we need more mentoring programmes for women in tech

With the female drop out rate in tech as high as 50%, could mentorship programmes for women help?

The Women in IT UK Summit tackles sustainability and D&I infrastructure

This year’s summit explored how to integrate sustainability initiatives with diversity and inclusion

The Women’s Association: women need to be their authentic selves to change perceptions

Deborah Williams, founder of the Women’s Association, explains why women should celebrate their authentic selves

Amazon’s Dr. Rashada Harry on the inclusion programmes available for diverse tech talent

Women are making inroads in the tech sector, but women of colour remain greatly underrepresented

How to jump into a STEM career from a woman who’s championing gender diversity

Elizabeth Tweedale, CEO and founder of Cypher talks about ‘Changing Lanes’ into a STEM career and changing the gender bias

Cybersecurity: A petri dish for D&I?

Cybersecurity can be a rewarding sector for women where skills and knowledge are valued over identity, but you must be proactive, says Arcanum Operations Director, Jane Chappell

Women in IT Summit USA Part 1 welcomed intersectional perspectives on female inclusion

A diverse set of speakers featured in the first part of the Women in IT Summit, USA Edition 2021

Top 10 business and personal development books from underrepresented authors

Book publisher Mindy Gibbins-Klein champions equity in publishing by showcasing underrepresented authors. Here are her top business picks for 2021

Has COVID-19 unlocked womens’ potential in cybersecurity?

COVID-19 has been devastating to many sectors, but not cybersecurity were women are feeling more assured in their roles than ever before. But more work needs to be done to get women into the industry

Cybersecurity leader Jane Chappell could be the female role model the sector needs

Senior cybersecurity professional Jane Chappell wants to encourage more women to enter the sector