Search results for: working women

Learning to code: inclusion and digital equality for girls need a shift in policy

iamtheCODE is doing all it can to empower young girls, encourage them to learn to code and embrace a brilliant career in tech

Has male-female allyship suffered during COVID-19?

The evidence out there points to the fact that women want male allies in the fight for gender equality, but some men are less than keen to join the movement, according to a new study

Hootsuite leadership talk gender equity, allyship, and lived experiences

The panel’s female speakers said their experiences of gender inequity early on in their careers has made them passionate about leading through a D&I lens at Hootsuite

We must choose To challenge workplace gender bias

The stubborn workplace barriers to gender equality highlight why this year’s IWD #ChooseToChallenge theme is so important

Courage is a muscle – the Nokia approach to better diversity

The Best Place to Work for LGBT+ award and a high score on Bloomberg’s gender equality index are clear indications of global tech giant Nokia’s commitment to diversity and inclusion

IWD 2021 – ‘Choose to Challenge’ sets the tone for progress

This year’s Internal Women’s Day theme #Choose To Challenge’ asks us all to analyse, question and adapt to achieve greater gender equality

iSAW launches LIFT to advance gender equality on a global scale

The platform will promote the advancement of women in business worldwide and contribute to closing the gender gap

Understanding allyship: the shared pathway to cultural change

Staff wanting an inclusive and supportive workplace need to actively embrace and encourage allyship, says Talking Talent

The imperfect progression of diversity of magazine covers

In 2017, out of 214 covers published by 19 of the bestselling magazines only 20 featured a person of colour, has diverse representation in terms of race, gender, size and age improved since then?

Veterinary bodies unite to battle sector’s diversity issues

Diversity problems in the UK’s veterinary sector are stark, with BAME professionals only accounting for 3% of the workforce. Could a new D&I project led by industry bodies help?