Search results for: working women

Underrepresented workers are happier when leaders advocate for social issues

Women and ethnic minority workers like working for organisations that take DEI seriously with leadership that speaks up on social issues

The final set of winners from BAME HCAs 2021 revealed

The final four categories of the BAME HCAs 2021 and their winners have been announced

New mentorship programme seeks to counter female quit rate in tech

The new initiative aims to build impactful female networks in tech

Talent pipeline a barrier to diversity in the tech industry

Encouraging more women and people from diverse backgrounds into the tech sector is high on the agenda for UM CEO Gladys Kong

Respecting identity will bridge the diversity gap

The Women in Finance Awards’ Woman of the Year 2020 Marisa Hall discusses diversity in the investment sector and the importance of identity.

Talent firm’s new initiative will help employers pursue real diversity

A new initiative by talent acquisition firm Guidant Global promises real diversity in recruitment for employers via the help of D&I experts

COVID-19 hits employment and pay levels for older workers

Since COVID-19 older workers are more affected by unemployment and take longer to get a job

Fintech has a bigger diversity, equality and inclusion problem than it realises

Paysafe is making strides to embed diversity, equality and inclusion across its workforce but can other fintech firms make the same claim?

McKinsey report offers advice on increasing Black representation in film industry

Black actors face many barriers to equal opportunities and representation in the film industry

Muslim consultancy boss shares inclusion advice for employers

Organisations must make considered approaches to Muslim inclusion in the workplace