Search results for: working women

Supermums: empowering women to work in technology

Supermums is on a mission to get more women into technology and tackle workplace gender inequality

Women’s Equality Day: assessing the gender gap in STEM

Over 100 years since women secured the right to vote, will it be another century before they achieve equality in STEM?

Women in leadership: claiming the top with COO Alex Hatchman

Being a woman in leadership within a male-dominated industry is no small claim in the medical negligence sector

UK missing £47bn in pre-tax profit due to lack of women in top exec roles

For the 5th year running the ‘Women Count 2020’ reveals gender diversity at top levels of British business needs urgent attention

Why private equity offers a “brilliant career for women

Fewer women work in private equity than in any other area of the financial sector

Virtual Women in IT Summit 2020 – Day three recap

As we wrap up the Women in It Summit 2020, we look at how we can get more women and girls into IT and tech.

Virtual Women in IT Summit 2020 – Day two recap

The second day of the Women in It Summit 2020 explores how the IT industry can build a new workplace culture.

Virtual support at the Women in IT Summit 2020 – day one

As the world works around COVID-19, the first day of the Women in IT Summit 2020 explores how we can live, and work, with the virus.

Female Ventures Fund to invest £10m in women-only start-ups in first year

New venture capital fund led by and for women will address inequality of just 1% of VC money going to women-only start-ups

Women in Engineering Day: what about women in tech?

The number of women in engineering has doubled in ten years, yet the number of women in tech is yet to reach the same mark.