Search results for: working women

Make International Women’s Day more than a box-ticking exercise this year

For years firms have been paying lip service to International Women’s Day. Inspired Human’s Perrine Farque calls for 2021 to be the year of challenge

Majority of working mothers have been refused furlough

More than 70% of working mothers who asked to be furloughed for childcare reasons since schools shut have been refused

Where is the progress towards equal pay for older women?

Despite being the generation to fight for the Equal Pay Act, pay equality is nowhere in sight for older women

How HR leaders can help women reach the top in male-dominated industries

For every 100 men promoted into management, 70 women are. Here’s how to tackle inequalities and elevate more women to the top

The most prominent women in the world of technology

Women who have overcome the ‘broken rung’ to advance their careers in the male dominated technology industry

Supporting businesswomen through a global pandemic

2020 has put us all through trials and tribulations, but how do you navigate a global pandemic as a businesswoman?

Women in Safe Homes fund launched with backing of charity partners

Women In Safe Homes is a new fund fund, providing safe and secure homes for women experiencing homelessness, whether because they are out of the criminal justice system, are survivors of domestic abuse or have other needs.

Why cybersecurity needs more women and is education the key?

Cybersecurity may be a young and dynamic industry, but what is it like to be a woman in the sector?

Flexible working hours improve workplace diversity

Advertising flexible working hours in job offers makes them more appealing to applicants, particularly women

DiversIT Charter to launch to tackle the lack of women in tech in Europe

Council of European Professional Informatics Societies (CEPIS) bolsters its commitment to increasing the number of women in tech