Search results for: working women

Have you registered for the 2021 Women in IT Summit UK?

The Women in IT Summit 2021 seeks to shift the narrative on equality and representation in tech

The Women’s Association: women need to be their authentic selves to change perceptions

Deborah Williams, founder of the Women’s Association, explains why women should celebrate their authentic selves

What’s next for women in tech? Cloud staffing firm issues new report

Frank Recruitment Group publishes new findings on gender inclusivity featuring 36 of the UK tech space’s most senior female leaders

How to empower women to challenge harmful workplace behaviours

From challenge comes change in progressive and inclusive workplace cultures

Hybrid working could lead to discrimination and lack of diversity

Employers must ensure that hybrid working doesn’t leave remote teams, including minority employees, out of the picture

Women in IT Summit USA Part 1 welcomed intersectional perspectives on female inclusion

A diverse set of speakers featured in the first part of the Women in IT Summit, USA Edition 2021

4 habits of highly successful businesswomen

The challenges businesswomen face may be surmountable, but it’s a lot easier when you pack your mental wellbeing case with the right tools

How leaders can empower more women to the top in tech

Leaders need to adopt grassroots ‘followership’ styles to encourage more women into tech, says Alexandra Limerick at WEX

Networking speaker shares mental health battle to support others during pandemic

Bella Rareworld wants to support other mental health sufferers during COVID-19

Women less likely to want a full-time office position following COVID-19

In the UK, female employees are looking for a flexible working model