Search results for: working from home

Why it’s time for mentorship to be considered a key retention policy

Mentorship is good for business and can increase motivation for minority groups

International Youth Day 2021 – engaging young people in the modern workplace

Tech industry leaders reflect on the ways to engage young talent in the workplace

What now for gender equality in a post-pandemic world?

Economies need to build back diversity if they are going to fully prosper in the long term

Why businesses need to give fathers more support after parental leave

Lynne Hardman, CEO of Working Transitions says new fathers need more support

What employers need to know about DEI and financial wellness

While many firms have doubled down on D&I, are their programmes effective enough?

Industry titans unite to boost gender equality in commercial property sector

Commercial property giants pledge to CREW UK gender equality initiative

The Government’s National Disability Strategy is here

The Government’s new strategy plans to boost disability inclusion at work and in wider society

Employers to be liable if they don’t prevent sexual harassment

Ignoring sexual harassment in the workplace will no longer be an option

Resilience lower among women, public sector and part time workers, says new report

Higher employee resilience could boost retention rates, so should workers be given more training and support?

Event sees 155% increase in number of students wanting careers in tech

#GirlTechWM targeted female students and young people with disabilities