Search results for: working from home

Mounting pressures fuel mental health crisis in the tech industry

Around 48% of CISOs say work stress has had a detrimental impact on their mental health. Here’s what employers can do about it?

The diversity dilemma of COVID-19: changing the D&I agenda

D&I will not be set back by the coronavirus – instead, shift to respond to the times. Here Culture Amp’s Aubrey Blanche explains how.

The diversity dilemma of COVID-19: keeping a focus on inclusion

As we begin another week in lockdown Chris Parke, CEO at Talking Talent, reflects on the importance of diversity and inclusion during good and bad times.

Tips for maintaining productivity and performance inclusively

Maintaining productivity and performance inclusively is not easy during a crisis. Global leader in organisational design, Nakisa, knows how.

Don’t be a lady; be a legend. Or the CEO of SUSE

Almost a year ago, Melissa Di Donato took over the role of CEO at SUSE, the world’s largest open-source company.

How to boost employee wellness during the COVID-19 outbreak

As the world adapts to a new way of working, employee wellness should still remain a priority for employers.

The diversity dilemma of COVID-19: it’s time to stick to core values say Colt

With businesses battling the immediate challenges of COVID-19 will the diversity agenda be pushed back or accelerated?

If you’re not rethinking your workforce structures right now, you should be

In the first of our weekly Coronavirus Diaries, Gapsquare shares how it has been tackling challenging questions on workforce structures.

WISE calls for inclusion to remain top of corporate agendas

Inclusion in a time of uncertainty is more important than ever, says WISE, the campaign for workplace gender equality.

Employers must step up their mental ill-health support during COVID-19

CIPD provide an insight into why employers must protect the mental ill-health of their staff during the COVID-19 epidemic.