Over 55s still face workplace ageism, says report
Older job seekers are more likely to face bias from younger recruiters
Older job seekers are more likely to face bias from younger recruiters
FDM credits its improved gender pay gap to a series of gender inclusion initiatives
everywoman highlights the D&I challenges met by Facebook and Accenture
Udacity’s Robin Hood approach to recruiting diverse talent in STEM
The UK’s economic recovery provides an opportunity to address structural issues in the STEM workforce
Speakers for Schools and Corsight AI want to change the narrative on ethnic minority students’ interests in STEM roles in the UK
The Hamilton Commission offers a series of actionable recommendations to increase diverse participation in motorsport and STEM more broadly
Leaders have an obligation to respond to employee decisions about getting vaccinated responsibly
Gender parity in senior FTSE 350 roles could generate £123 billion for the UK economy
Tara Ataya at Hootsuite believes vulnerability is the key to challenging gender bias