Search results for: role models

What do a quarter of employers do for boardroom diversity? Nothing

CIPD and Omni call for employers to introduce new strategies in their recruitment processes to improve boardroom diversity

Doing it Anyway: empowering women to consider a career in tech

Tech Talent Charter’s high-profile creative campaign ‘Doing it Anyway’ directs working-age women to tech vacancies and retraining programmes

The diversity dilemma of COVID-19: This Is Us Conference

While COVID-19 does not discriminate, this year’s This is Us Conference will show society still has a way to go

Black British Business Awards celebrates the Black British community

The month-long celebration will culminate a landmark year in history for racial equity in the UK

Women taking a stand to move up the managerial chain

Barriers are being broken down by female trailblazers in all walks of society – even traditionally masculine environments

OneTech and JPMorgan Chase shore up underrepresented entrepreneurs

The lack of diversity within entrepreneurs is an issue that OneTech and its peers remain committed to tackling.

Has the way that the STEM industries treat women changed?

The STEM industries are dominated by men. Here Pooja Malpani, Head of Engineering for Bloomberg Media, shares how she shunned the stereotypes.

Nominations now open for The National BAME Health & Care Awards 2021

Support and celebrate the extraordinary achievements of the NHS workers who have dedicated their lives to serve others

How intersectionality is at play for women in STEM

Women working in STEM face significant challenges

Female Investors: creating wealth comes down to discipline

Roxana Mohammadian-Molina, CSO at Blend Network, shares tips on how to get a foot on the female investment ladder