Search results for: race

Understanding allyship: the shared pathway to cultural change

Staff wanting an inclusive and supportive workplace need to actively embrace and encourage allyship, says Talking Talent

BAME career progression: tips on tackling barriers in the workplace

Roy Bean knows the effort to carve out a successful career in workplaces still not quite up to par on BAME career progression

The imperfect progression of diversity of magazine covers

In 2017, out of 214 covers published by 19 of the bestselling magazines only 20 featured a person of colour, has diverse representation in terms of race, gender, size and age improved since then?

Financial planning sector gets a diversity makeover with new scholarship programme

A Colorado-based higher education institution is offering $500,000 in scholarships to candidates from underrepresented backgrounds to become certified financial planners

Veterinary bodies unite to battle sector’s diversity issues

Diversity problems in the UK’s veterinary sector are stark, with BAME professionals only accounting for 3% of the workforce. Could a new D&I project led by industry bodies help?

Gender pay gap reporting extension could fuel disinterest in inclusion

After April 4, employers will have another six months to publish their gender pay gap data, this comes after they weren’t obliged to share data in 2020 due to the pandemic

WIAM speakers talk furthering D&I during COVID-19

The Women in Asset Management Summit Transatlantic Edition took place virtually on Tuesday, 23 March 2021 where the benefits of homeworking and desired leadership traits to have during the pandemic were discussed

The Women in Asset Management Summit Transatlantic Edition is here: what to expect

The asset management sector hasn’t been as affected by COVID-19 as other industries; this year’s event will offer tips, insights, and advice on how women can lead the sector to new heights

Aviva Investors: striving to tackle racial inequality in the investment industry

Marte Borhaug, Global Head of Sustainable Outcomes at Aviva Investors, delves into the firm’s engagement strategy towards racial inequality

COVID-19 hampers inclusion and belonging for Black employees

As businesses battle to survive the economic effects of the pandemic, D&I objectives have fallen by the wayside and this is effecting some employees more than others, says a new report