Search results for: pandemic

Disability equality cannot be parked during COVID, says conference

Leading non-profit membership organisation calls for urgent action from Government and business to change the narrative on disability inclusion

6 ways employers can ensure employee wellbeing with a remote workforce

The ‘second wave’ of the pandemic is causing havoc for businesses across the UK. Now’s the time to act on employee wellbeing

Want to be an ally? Vote

KC Lathrop, Chief of Staff to the CIO, IBM explains the impact real allyship can have in the racial equity struggle

Taking time to cultivate an inclusive culture at Allianz is paying dividends

Employee networks, executive backing and public displays of its commitment to diversity and inclusion are driving cultural change at Allianz

Teachers and childcare workers are essential, too

Tracey Welson-Rossman, Founder, TechGirlz Charitable Foundation

Maintaining momentum on workplace mental health

Ahead of World Mental Health Day, the Business Disability Forum emphasises the need to prioritise mental wellbeing in the virtual workplace

The Virtual Women in IT Summit Silicon Valley gets personal

With the world being run by IT, how do you keep the human touch?

Why should businesses invest in emotional intelligence?

Investing in emotional intelligence will change companies from their deepest roots, says Rajkumari Neogy, an executive coach like no other.

The diversity dilemma of COVID-19: This Is Us Conference

While COVID-19 does not discriminate, this year’s This is Us Conference will show society still has a way to go

Can you really develop and maintain virtual relationships?

Developing virtual relationships has become the new norm, and Tina Gravel says the world best get used to it.