Search results for: inclusive culture

Actionable ways companies can proactively empower their female workforce

How to empower female workforces to be the leaders of tomorrow in male domincated STEM sectors, the Progress way?

VERCIDA: making diversity an asset in the workplace

There are around 16,000 recruitment companies in the UK, but VERCIDA has broken the mould with its approach to diversity.

The power of collective empathy awakened in business

Will collective empathy be the new normal when we return to the office, benefiting people with disabilities? Caroline Casey discusses.

The diversity dilemma of COVID-19: the unintended positive result for D&I

With businesses battling the immediate challenges of COVID-19 will the diversity agenda be pushed back or accelerated?

The diversity dilemma of COVID-19: it’s time to stick to core values say Colt

With businesses battling the immediate challenges of COVID-19 will the diversity agenda be pushed back or accelerated?

How to support staff networks through challenging times

Hear how The Power of Staff Networks is continuing to support staff networks through the current coronavirus pandemic.

How businesses can create a pathway for female tech talent

Claire Spalding, head of technology for Yoox Net-a-Porter Group, explores how organisations can create a pathway for female tech talent.

Attracting and retaining talent in a world of unconscious biases

Dataminr’s Chief People Officer, Whitney Benner, on why training on unconscious biases is vital to create a shared culture of respect.

Working from home during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Home working doesn’t need to be lone working. Verriberri’s Sarah Kauter on how to look after your mental health during the COVID 19 Pandemic.

CBI urges firms to reveal ethnicity pay gap data

New CBI guide shares key recommendations on how companies of all sizes can ‘Bridge the Gap’ in ethnicity pay.