Report shows worryingly low knowledge of modern slavery in the UK
Over 100,00 people are connected to modern slavery in the UK, yet the financial sector knows nothing about it
Over 100,00 people are connected to modern slavery in the UK, yet the financial sector knows nothing about it
Nuffield Health’s latest whitepaper ‘MORE THAN WORDS’ shines a light on the importance of language to normalise everyday mental health ill-health
Vessy Tasheva takes a holistic approach when helping organisations embed D&I. 2021 is time to move beyond the virtual signalling
Chris Parke, CEO at Talking Talent calls for leaders to do more to make our working lives more agile and flexible in 2021
Only 29% of partner roles in large law firms are held by women, despite women making up 47% of the UK workforce
Four-in-five companies planning to change ESG measures in executive pay plans over next three years
Equality, innovation and net-zero priorities will help drive the capital’s economic recovery, say London’s business leaders
Lifeed knows lived experiences outside of work can be beneficial to both employers and employees alike
When legal representation falls short: study finds equity, diversity and inclusion is lacking within many British law firms
Culture Amp research shines a light on HR performance review strategies in light of the pandemic and remote working