The Success Rebellion: begin creating the life you were born to live
Ryan Jackson, author of The Success Rebellion, invites you to go against society’s rules – because conforming only leaves people feeling unsuccessful, unhappy and unfulfilled
Ryan Jackson, author of The Success Rebellion, invites you to go against society’s rules – because conforming only leaves people feeling unsuccessful, unhappy and unfulfilled
Dr Margaret Casely-Hayford: a champion of the representation of young people, women and ethnic minority groups on various boards
Roxana Mohammadian-Molina argues that it is more important than ever for businesses and their leaders to champion inclusive growth
Council of European Professional Informatics Societies (CEPIS) bolsters its commitment to increasing the number of women in tech
Ahead of the Women in IT Ireland Summit Jen Rodvold outlines the diverse potential in technology
Lucia Saura Agile Delivery Manager at Global Payments details her firm’s changing work styles since COVID-19
Leading Fund Manager at LGIM, and a key mastermind behind #talkaboutblack, asks what’s next on the road to race equality in the UK
Supermarket giant Tesco ramps up employee wellbeing and mental health support through continued uncertainty
Levin explains the desirable leadership styles that should matter to inclusive businesses