How Mencap creates employment opportunities for people with learning disabilities
Gina Collins has worked for Mencap for a quarter of a century, and it helped her get her dream job
Gina Collins has worked for Mencap for a quarter of a century, and it helped her get her dream job
A good career fit is ensuring that there are matches between the organisation and the individual
The positives and how HR and leaders can support ADHD in the workplace, often under diagnosed in women
Entries open on International Women’s Day for women wanting to pursue a non-executive role
The initiative includes an exclusive mentoring session and a free webinar with Karren Brady
Diverse young people feel their protected characteristics are barring them from employment
Nick Barniville explains that career mentorship should be the focus, not the refugee’s status
Nick Barniville explains that career mentorship should be the focus, not the refugee’s status
The social impact organisation has secured seed funding