Search results for: diversity, equity and inclusion

Non-binary inclusion: the path to gender confidence in the workplace

Gender confidence at work, shouldn’t be a privilege

FCA consults on diversity disclosure of listed company boards

FCA calls for transparency on the diversity of listed companies boards

Udacity: talent acquisition and CSR working together to boost DEI

Udacity’s Robin Hood approach to recruiting diverse talent in STEM

MPs and Peers report the state of diversity and inclusion in STEM workforce

The UK’s economic recovery provides an opportunity to address structural issues in the STEM workforce

Investor pressure on firms to address race and other diversity issues reaches record levels

Shareholders are pressuring companies like Amazon to prioritise diversity following Black Lives Matter

The Hamilton Commission offers solutions to boost the 1% Black representation in F1 and beyond

The Hamilton Commission offers a series of actionable recommendations to increase diverse participation in motorsport and STEM more broadly

Digital agencies lack age, gender and race diversity but score well on LGBT+ inclusion

Digital marketing has a higher number of LGBT+ identifying staff than the UK population average

Global tech giants announce pledge to further racial equity in tech at Black Tech Fest 21

Microsoft join the likes of TikTok in supporting Black Tech Fest 21

Has the pandemic era changed workplace culture?

Critical conversations and company culture matter more than ever to new employees, says Barnes

The Women in IT UK Summit tackles sustainability and D&I infrastructure

This year’s summit explored how to integrate sustainability initiatives with diversity and inclusion