Search results for: discrimination

FPA asks members to join initiative to boost inclusitivity for Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders

The main authority for financial planning professionals is asking all members to join an initiative to further inclusion for its Asian American and Pacific Islander community

Project#ShowUs continues its mission for diverse female representation in advertising

A media project is furthering authentic female representation in advertising, but female consumers want more body diversity represented in the campaigns of businesses they buy from

Does misconduct reporting need a tech upgrade?

Could anonymous misconduct reporting help employers deal with ethical workplace issues more effectively? UK energy supplier OVO Energy is trialling it among its workforce

How employers can secure equality for transgender people in the workplace

While incidents of violent abuse for trans employees is relatively low, lack of supportive infrastructure and microaggressions from colleagues is making some hide their identity

New Enterprise Academy to level up inequalities for Black business community

The Black British Business Awards has launched an Academy for Black businesses, giving them the advice and skills building opportunities to beat COVID-19, Brexit, and long-term inequalities

Is remote working making women susceptible to unconscious bias?

Remote working during COVID-19 means many virtual meetings, where a number of women, including working mothers and women of colour are feeling less empowered during this time

Older employees don’t think race and gender hold women back

Older employees, according to a new study, think that gender, race, and ethnicity aren’t holding women back from workplace progression

Cybersecurity leader Jane Chappell could be the female role model the sector needs

Senior cybersecurity professional Jane Chappell wants to encourage more women to enter the sector

Jane Craven and her mission to “remove stereotypes from tech”

Tech veteran and EPOS Sales Director Jane Craven has experienced her fair share of gender discrimination over the years. Now she wants to help those like her break through

Has male-female allyship suffered during COVID-19?

The evidence out there points to the fact that women want male allies in the fight for gender equality, but some men are less than keen to join the movement, according to a new study