Search results for: company culture

8 tips to support black colleagues during a pandemic of racism

Following weeks of anti-racism protests, organisations are being challenged with how to support black colleagues in the workplace

New survey reveals businesses need to work on their employee experience

Only a minority of employees would give their workplace an exceptional rating regarding employee experience.

Future Stars of Tech Awards 2020: A look at the diversity advocates

As the Future Stars of Tech Awards 2020 celebrates the next generation of tech leaders, we focus on the nominees for diversity advocate.

How do people really feel about going back to the office?

New Breathe survey reveals how people truly feel about going back to the office after months of lockdown in the UK.

International Women in Engineering Day: taking a step in the right direction

Even though the tech industry has evolved greatly, only one in five jobs are held by women in the wider engineering sector as a whole.

Why failing to talk about race is fuelling the ethnicity pay gap

It has long been taboo to discuss ethnicity, yet change can only come about once we have these conversations.

The diversity dilemma of COVID-19: keeping a focus on inclusion

As we begin another week in lockdown Chris Parke, CEO at Talking Talent, reflects on the importance of diversity and inclusion during good and bad times.

How businesses can create a pathway for female tech talent

Claire Spalding, head of technology for Yoox Net-a-Porter Group, explores how organisations can create a pathway for female tech talent.

UK businesses urged to prevent presenteeism amid a COVID-19 pandemic

Why companies need to do more to tackle presenteeism amid coronavirus outbreak to safe guard milliona of lives.

How the tech industry can lead the charge on equality

How can the tech industry embrace equality? Nick Ismail spoke to seven women about their personal experiences to find out.