Gendered financial inequality in light of a COVID-19 pandemic
Gender pay gap reporting enforcement has been suspended this year, but that doesn’t mean the core issue of gendered financial inequality has been too.
Gender pay gap reporting enforcement has been suspended this year, but that doesn’t mean the core issue of gendered financial inequality has been too.
Industry trade body says now is the time to lead from the front and be a catalyst for social change to improve black representation.
Creating an inclusive workplace is vital to retaining professionals, industry association says
In the first of two interviews, we speak with eight inspirational winners of the Women in Finance Awards, on what it takes to be at the top of their game.
A host of inspirational women in finance were recognised for their outstanding achievements in the sector at the third annual Women in Finance Awards, 2019, on 26 June.
Recent survey finds responsible investors are more likely to vote for boards that are inclusive of gender, race, and ethnicity.
Only 14% of European equity funds have at least one female fund manager. More is needed to achieve true gender diversity across the sector.
The investment management industry must collaborate to attract future talent and close the gap, states City Hive
With the gender pay gap reporting deadline looming a month away numbers are expected to be worse not better than last year