Search results for: Training

Understanding allyship: the shared pathway to cultural change

Staff wanting an inclusive and supportive workplace need to actively embrace and encourage allyship, says Talking Talent

Could fintech review stimulate greater gender and race inclusion?

A UK fintech review wants to foster further growth by training and upskilling the sector’s future workforce which is good, as long as existing gender and racial inequalities are recognised

Failing gender inclusivity in the UK’s most successful industries

There is little sign of improvement for gender inclusivity in senior roles, tech and accounting industries in the UK

Failing gender inclusivity in the UK’s most successful industries

It’s no secret that a diverse workforce helps create a successful business—so why are so many organisations in the UK not gender-diverse? What needs to be done to change the status quo?

Veterinary bodies unite to battle sector’s diversity issues

Diversity problems in the UK’s veterinary sector are stark, with BAME professionals only accounting for 3% of the workforce. Could a new D&I project led by industry bodies help?

CloudStratex: supporting tomorrow’s underserved talent

Tech startup CloudStratex is working to raise the aspirations of young people and ensuring they have a stake in society

New programme gives disadvantaged youths access to green-economy employers

A new initiative is helping young people from disadvantaged backgrounds meet employers from innovative sectors, including low-carbon, tech, and advanced manufacturing businesses

Global law firm offers pro-bono advice to black-led businesses

With Black founders facing a tougher funding climate than other groups, the more organisations share scale-up advice, support, and access to networks, the better

Why homeworking shouldn’t be blamed for the COVID-19 mental health crisis

Workers are suffering from mounting stress and job burnout as COVID-19 continues, could the remote working model be the pandemic’s next victim?

Aviva Investors: striving to tackle racial inequality in the investment industry

Marte Borhaug, Global Head of Sustainable Outcomes at Aviva Investors, delves into the firm’s engagement strategy towards racial inequality