Search results for: Remote working

Why a shared language and empathy are key to DE&I at Babbel

Babbel is committed to becoming an anti-discriminatory and inclusive company

Companies must train managers to support employee mental health

Employees need safe spaces in which they can express their needs

LEAN IN Equity & Sustainability: 60 seconds with Ms Sima Al Droubi

Leading women share their superpowers in new DQ LEAN In series

Women in financial services need allies like Mikkel Bates

The sector can’t afford not to be diverse and inclusive – there is simply too much competition

LEAN IN Equity & Sustainability: 60 seconds with Nadia Lalout-Landemaine

Leading women share their superpowers in new DQ LEAN In series

How employers can create an LGBTQ+ inclusive workplace

BetterUp shares year-round steps companies can take to be inclusive

Charity Bank joins four-day workweek pilot

Charity Bank has joined the global pilot of a voluntary four-day workweek

How to promote workplace wellbeing and good mental health

The workforce has been through a lot these past two years, here are ten tips to improve employee mental health

Why organisations should hire more neurodiverse talent

Here’s how to empower neurodiverse talent and realise the strength of diversity

How the metaverse could impact employee mental health

The negative mental health impact of excessive technology use is well known – where does this leave the metaverse?