Cherie Blair Foundation and Salesforce partner to support female entrepreneurs in growth countries
Partnership marks Women’s Entrepreneurship Day with its commitment to support the resilience and growth of female entrepreneurs
Partnership marks Women’s Entrepreneurship Day with its commitment to support the resilience and growth of female entrepreneurs
Ahead of the Women in IT Ireland Summit Jen Rodvold outlines the diverse potential in technology
Leading Fund Manager at LGIM, and a key mastermind behind #talkaboutblack, asks what’s next on the road to race equality in the UK
Young care leavers face a multitude of hurdles when starting their adult life, but businesses have come together to make that journey easier
As cybercrime escalates, moving women into cybersecurity’s top spots could help according to an Accenture report: An Accenture Cybersecurity Forum
Women’s Council Perspective
Respected business leaders and executives joined the virtual awards ceremony to celebrate New York’s leading Women in IT
The Government needs to act now to avoid a jobs crisis for disabled people, the Leonard Cheshire charity warns
Empowering law students of colour to thrive in the highest US courts to reflect better the communities they serve
The new Diverse Founders Programme is set to help ethnically diverse founders across the UK, and Ireland thrive
Urban Synergy’s new Corporate Advisory Board looks to provide future job opportunities for BAME and disadvantaged young people