Search results for: Mental Health

Most comprehensive diversity and inclusion report ever launched

McKenzie-Delis Packer Review is the first review of its’ kind to take a holistic approach to diversity and inclusion

New inclusivity course wants bosses to end their silence on race

A convener of a new nine-week business course says leaders must start speaking openly about race if they want to create a truly inclusive workplace.

New research reveals the justice industry is lacking in diversity and inclusion

When legal representation falls short: study finds equity, diversity and inclusion is lacking within many British law firms

5 tips for supporting your team through seasonal affective disorder

Every year seasonal affective disorder impacts millions of Brits. Here’s how to help your employees through it

#talkboutblack: so…where do we go from here?

Leading Fund Manager at LGIM, and a key mastermind behind #talkaboutblack, asks what’s next on the road to race equality in the UK

Turbulent year leaves most students worried about career prospects

Life has not been easy for students in 2020 and many are concerned or uncertain about what the future holds, says Urban Jungle CEO

Why leaders must act now to combat stress and survivor guilt

With the pandemic placing a huge strain on employees, survivor guilt is real. Here is how to confront its consequences

Providing support to employees among ongoing workplace uncertainty

Which emotional support services to offer employees as everything keeps changing

Burnout and work-related stress is on the rise in the UK

Ahead of National Stress Awareness Day on November 4th, health experts advise on how to prepare for a spike in workplace burnout

Wilson James: The journey of creating a diverse workforce – Part 2

In our second interview with Wilson James, we ask why improving diversity and inclusion in the workplace should be a priority for businesses