Search results for: HR experience

Tackle gender stereotypes at work to have better inclusivity

Lead researcher Dr Jill Armstrong discusses gender stereotypes and bias at work and practical steps for improving inclusivity

Inclusion eats diversity for breakfast in the workplace

evosis’ founding director Alison France explains why mastering the art of inclusion is a powerful skill to have.

How to encourage more girls to choose a career in STEM careers

There may not be a clear difference between female and male careers, but society certainly believes that some roles are more suited to girls and others to boys. But what happens when a girl wants to shed the stereotype and pursue a career in STEM?

Women in Asset Management: proving gender is no longer relevant

For our Women in Asset Management Awards we spoke with two inspirational women about how to succeed, while supporting other women in the industry.

Embracing not “tolerating”: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)

In the second of two interviews, Maria Martins reveals what makes a good Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) professional.

Code42: why diversity of thought is the key to tech innovation

Code42’s Jadee Hanson explains why a lack of diversity of thought is stifling product innovation in the tech industry.

Leading female executives back new all women mentorship programme

New mentorship programme launched for young women looking to break into creative industries secures executive backing.

Job Interview techniques that put a damper on dream careers

UK workers share the unusual job interviews standing between them and their dream careers, The Adecco Group UK&I research finds.

Investors must embrace diversity now and invest in diverse founders

Vegard Medbø and Fridtjof Berge, co-founders of Antler, explain why investors must embrace diversity now and look to emerging markets .

Stigma around regional accents is hindering social mobility in the UK

Is being on the board unobtainable for working-class Brits? 55% of the UK report a stigma around regional accents, with London ranked the worst.