Search results for: HR experience

Half of leaders and managers would not employ a neurodivergent person

People with neurodivergent conditions are more likely to be excluded in the workplace and less likely to be hired

Culture Amp named Strategic Leader in 2020 Fosway 9-Grid

Leading HR analyst recognises and celebrates Culture Amp as one of this year’s strategic people leaders

Yes, inclusion must come before diversity – here’s how to make it happen

Mark Sawyier, CEO of Bonfyre, believes without an inclusive workplace, diversity, trust, innovation, and talent retention will not exist

The nature of work is changing. Is the Equality Act 2010 still in play?

It’s been 10 years since the introduction of the Equality Act 2010 in the UK, but what has really changed?

Black men: how to change your mindset, escape stereotypes and get ahead

Life Coach Michael Taylor believes ‘Shattering Black Male Stereotypes’ is the fillip to black men progressing in the corporate world

NatWest launches mentoring scheme for female business owners

Joint initiative with Be the Business shows further support for female business owners on National Mentoring Day

Brenock announces platform to engage employees

New online platform by Brenock aims to diversify employee engagement and participation by giving everyone a voice

Tech is a changing world, and employers need to keep up

Tech in the 21st century dominates human life, and Ana Gillan says the tech industry needs a new human-focus if it wants to succeed

Commonwealth Financial Network expands industry leadership

Commonwealth FN’s new VP, Chief Diversity and Inclusion officer brings experience and expertise to the industry giant

The Appellate Project: empowering law students of colour to aim high

Empowering law students of colour to thrive in the highest US courts to reflect better the communities they serve