Search results for: ERG

Women in FinTech: time to consign the concerns to history?

With the right working policies and role models, concerns about women in FinTech should be rapidly consigned to history.

Gapsquare: taking a leading role in shaping the future of fair pay

Gapsquare aims to square the pay gap disparities in the UK – and beyond.

What Labour’s anti-Semitism problem should teach employers

Sainsbury’s and Omnicom announce firm commitment to disability inclusion

Sainsbury’s and Omnicom demonstrated their commitment to disability inclusion by announcing they have become members of The Valuable 500

6 reasons why women make great business leaders

Entrepreneur Sahar Hashemi explains why women make good business leaders

Striving for gender equality at HSBC

Stephanie Ip, Head of Wholesale Credit Risk, HSBC UK reflects on the progress needed

International Women’s Day – Why Balance is Better

International Women’s Day is a call-to-action for gender equality across the globe. The focus for this year is #balanceforbetter

Global trends report: AI, gender and “always-on” culture in the workplace

Cherron Inko-Tariah: be a chess player, not a chess piece

How to attract female talent and keep them

Winning companies look inside their organisation to attract, recruit and retain the best talent