Search results for: ERG

Women beware – ‘reckless caution’ and the thief in the night

The equity opportunity for women is ripe – if only more would use investing as a tool to grow their financial wealth

Carrie Gracie leaves the BBC after winning fight for equal pay

As Carrie Gracie leaves the BBC, we are reminded of how she won the battle for fairer pay, but not the war

Prime Minister promises a disability-inclusive COVID-19 strategy

As the threat of a wider disability employment gap looms, a cross-party group has called on the Prime Minister to take action.

Supermums: empowering women to work in technology

Supermums is on a mission to get more women into technology and tackle workplace gender inequality

Women’s Equality Day: assessing the gender gap in STEM

Over 100 years since women secured the right to vote, will it be another century before they achieve equality in STEM?

Is AI the answer to the upcoming COVID-19 skills gap?

If sustained economic growth is to be achieved post-COVID-19, something must be done to tackle the skills gap it has caused

How employers can encourage better work-life balance among workers

The coronavirus crisis has led to greater stress, fear and anxiety, and a worse work-life balance, so how can employers help?

Women in leadership: claiming the top with COO Alex Hatchman

Being a woman in leadership within a male-dominated industry is no small claim in the medical negligence sector

Women in Asset Management US Summit opens for registration

The summit takes place from 9 to 10 September 2020

The top female founders who secured the most funding across the world

Despite the challenges they may face, here are the female founders who are leading the start-up game from all corners of the world.