Search results for: Diverse talent

How can employers capitalise on the millennial entrepreneurial spark?

By 2050 millennials will make up over half of the global workforce, but what will the world of work look like?

Inclusion is key to better diversity, says PDT Global

Without a culture of inclusion in the workplace, diversity is doomed to fail. PDT Global Founder and CEO Angela Peacock explains why.

UK Tech Workplace Equality Report reveals true levels of pay disparity

Hired reveals pay discrepancy and discrimination against diverse people in UK tech with four tips on how to avoid disparities.

Women in security on the up at specialists International SOS

International SOS’ very own ‘Carrie Mathison’ discusses women in security and how to attract and retain them.

How HR can practically improve inclusivity using data

People analytics is a powerful tool that can aid HR professionals in their recruitment, retention, and culture efforts, say Hibob.

Evenbreak director named in UK’s Most Influential Disabled People list

Evenbreak director Jane Hatton, and author of A Dozen Brilliant Reasons to Employ Disabled People, is honoured on Shaw Trust’s Most Influential Disabled People list.

Borderless: what are we doing wrong when it comes to promoting women?

In this guest article, Rosalie Harrison, a partner at executive recruitment firm Borderless, shares four ways in which companies can get better at promoting women.

Tech Leaders Summit united on the need to drive diversity and inclusion in the sector

The Tech Leaders Summit was an energising opportunity to share views on the latest technologies driving innovation in 2019 and beyond.

Recruiters must leverage their expertise to close disability employment gap

The Government’s target to reduce the disability employment gap to 16% by 2020 is in potential jeopardy, says the Association of Professional Staffing Companies (APSCo).

Government proposes new protections against workplace discrimination

New anti workplace discrimination proposals bolster broader non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) initiative announced in the summer.