Search results for: inclusive workplace

Could more women in STEM roles solve the sustainability crisis?

Gender equity non-profit WISE thinks more women in STEM roles could fill the 250,000 new jobs provided by Johnson’s ‘green economy’, but educational institutions and employers must get involved

Understanding allyship: the shared pathway to cultural change

Staff wanting an inclusive and supportive workplace need to actively embrace and encourage allyship, says Talking Talent

Failing gender inclusivity in the UK’s most successful industries

There is little sign of improvement for gender inclusivity in senior roles, tech and accounting industries in the UK

Failing gender inclusivity in the UK’s most successful industries

It’s no secret that a diverse workforce helps create a successful business—so why are so many organisations in the UK not gender-diverse? What needs to be done to change the status quo?

F5 joins Stonewall Global Diversity Champions Programme

Company’s latest pledge to drive LGBTQ+ inclusion driven by UK & Ireland branch of F5’s Pride Employee Inclusion Group

Veterinary bodies unite to battle sector’s diversity issues

Diversity problems in the UK’s veterinary sector are stark, with BAME professionals only accounting for 3% of the workforce. Could a new D&I project led by industry bodies help?

Why retraining and data sharing will create diverse tech roles

Currently there aren’t enough women and ethnic minorities represented in UK tech roles. With a global skills shortage on the horizon, firms need to start hiring from a more diverse talent pool

Gender pay gap reporting extension could fuel disinterest in inclusion

After April 4, employers will have another six months to publish their gender pay gap data, this comes after they weren’t obliged to share data in 2020 due to the pandemic

WIAM speakers talk furthering D&I during COVID-19

The Women in Asset Management Summit Transatlantic Edition took place virtually on Tuesday, 23 March 2021 where the benefits of homeworking and desired leadership traits to have during the pandemic were discussed

DEI entrepreneur joins the team at US software firm Cloudera

The Palo Alto based organisation has appointed Dominique Hollins as its Director of Culture & Inclusion in what will be an ambitious role of delivering greater D&I outcomes across all levels and locations