Search results for: inclusive workplace

Tech community seek solutions to poor diversity amongst London tech firms

Are reports and discussions enough to shift the dial on London’s tech diversity deficit?

Revealed! The 2022 finalists of The National BAME Health & Care Awards

We are proud to host the National BAME Health & Care Awards, which recognizes the hard work of BAME professionals

Companies should show, not tell when it comes to DEI initiatives

How HR leaders can develop a comprehensive DEI integration plan

Women struggle to break into M&A, and diversity lags behind

M&A and diversity are performing badly, although the sector is showing good intentions

Companies are still struggling to manage diversity beyond gender

A review of some of the UK’s largest companies reveals that many are focusing more on workforce diversity, but many areas need more attention

Diverse employees and £40bn: the gains of flexible working

Flexible working means greater employment access for disabled talent and more

Deloitte’s flexible public holiday policy – a boon to all groups?

Flexible public holiday policies can be inclusive of religious minorities and non-religious staff

How to spot and deal with microaggressions against transgender staff

Microaggressions can be just as damaging to mental health as other forms of discrimination

Make your organisation more diverse in 20 steps

Creating a diverse workforce is a constant work in progress, here are 20 steps to get you started

20 ways to achieve organisational inclusion

Here are 20 things organisations can do to become more inclusive which could boost staff wellbeing, productivity and recruitment interest