Search results for: inclusive workplace

Nine ways to be effective allies to your LGBT+ co-workers

Being an advocate for the LGBT+ community must happen at all levels of a business, says Kielty

UKG hires senior tech and D&I professional “to strengthen a culture of trust”

Brian Reaves has three decades worth of experience in technology and D&I

How organisations can use BlackRock’s discrimination case to improve their D&I

Two ex-BlackRock employees have said their experience at the firm was defined by racism and other acts of discrimination. Here’s what other organisations can learn from the scandal

Is remote working making women susceptible to unconscious bias?

Remote working during COVID-19 means many virtual meetings, where a number of women, including working mothers and women of colour are feeling less empowered during this time

LGBT inclusion should come from leadership

100 business leaders have been noted for their passionate commitment to LGBT+ rights at work

New inclusivity course wants bosses to end their silence on race

A convener of a new nine-week business course says leaders must start speaking openly about race if they want to create a truly inclusive workplace.

Yes, inclusion must come before diversity – here’s how to make it happen

Mark Sawyier, CEO of Bonfyre, believes without an inclusive workplace, diversity, trust, innovation, and talent retention will not exist

Cornerstone hires Chief Diversity Officer

Demand for Chief Diversity Officers surged by 105% last year with Cornerstone leading by example with their new recruit

Top three diversity and inclusion priorities in the wake of COVID-19

With the Women in Asset Management New York Virtual Summit on the horizon, Tali Shlomo shares how the industry can invest in its D&I

Diversity and inclusion is not just a tick-box exercise

Toby Mildon’s book Inclusive Growth details how businesses can truly implement diversity and inclusion