Search results for: inclusive workplace

Diversity and inclusion expert Steve Butler’s new book on building an inclusive culture

Butler wants to help leaders combat declining diversity initiatives and implement real culture change for underrepresented groups

The Women in IT Summit Canada: being a responsive and inclusive leader following COVID-19

The Women in IT Summit Canada explored the new responsibilities of leaders to help staff feel included amid changing work styles

The female deficit in workplace belonging – why it’s time for businesses to respond

According to a ground-breaking new report, women lag behind men on every count of belonging meaning lower job engagement among other negative factors – but there are solutions

5 ways to build an inclusive culture to encourage women into IT

Ensure allyship exists for women and other underrepresented groups in tech, says Lonergan

Why responsible tech, not “vanity metrics”, will achieve workplace inclusion

Bhargava explains how her expansion services firm is using tech to fight underrepresentation

Why we need more compassion in the workplace

The COVID-19 period has only made the need for workplace compassion clearer, says Taylor

Smart organisations ensure they are LGBT+ inclusive all year round

Being in an LGBT+ unfriendly workplace can affect staff productivity and mental health

Changing our language to create workplace inclusion

What language is appropriate to use in the workplace to make all groups feel respected and included?

Majority of UK businesses paying “lip service” to workplace D&I

UK firms are lagging behind their global counterparts when it comes to meaningful D&I

Non-binary inclusion: the path to gender confidence in the workplace

Gender confidence at work, shouldn’t be a privilege