Search results for: flexible working

Banking and investment lead the global 2020 D&I Index Top 100

Refinitiv Diversity & Inclusion report shows EMEA leads progress across cultural and gender board diversity

BGF joins The Diversity Project to champion an inclusive workplace culture

The UK’s most active investor in growth businesses takes Advisory Board position at The Diversity Project

Supermums: empowering women to work in technology

Supermums is on a mission to get more women into technology and tackle workplace gender inequality

How employers can encourage better work-life balance among workers

The coronavirus crisis has led to greater stress, fear and anxiety, and a worse work-life balance, so how can employers help?

Over a third of companies pledge to do more for disability inclusion

Companies are working to improve their disability inclusion policies in the wake of COVID-19

CIPD calls for the right to bereavement leave and pay to be extended

Professional body for Human Resources highlights the need for bereavement leave to be extended in the wake of the pandemic

The emotional impact of physical distancing in the workplace

Sudies show that physical distancing is having a toll on employee wellbeing, and so Brendan Street details what employers can do to help.

50% of employees are unaware of their maternity/paternity leave rights

New parents give birth to increasing discrimination through not understanding the maternity/paternity leave rights in their current role.

Virtual Women in IT Summit 2020 – Day three recap

As we wrap up the Women in It Summit 2020, we look at how we can get more women and girls into IT and tech.

How to reintegrate furloughed employees in an inclusive way

Prioritise accessible communication, psychological safety and inclusive redesign, says industry thought leader Teresa Boughey.