Search results for: STEM

Black Lives Matter – and that applies in the corporate world too!

In the midst of fighting a new virus, Etsy stands up to old prejudices in support of Black Lives Matter

8 ways corporate leaders can address D&I right now

Experts say CEOs and board directors have considerable power to make positive change.

Women in IT more likely to be promoted than men, study finds

Surprising findings might be less positive than they initially seem.

Are we being heard corporate America?

A nation on fire about black American rights and voices may serve as a wake-up call to a corporate world still lacking diversity.

How to better equip yourself to manage a remote workforce

As the COVID-19 epidemic has thrown the office out the window, Chad Reid of Jotform discusses how best to manage a remote workforce.

Femtech Partners: opening fintech to women in South East Asia

FemTech Partners’ Neha Mehta is on a mission to attract more women to fintech, boost equality and drive financial inclusion.

Is executive-level diversity and inclusion the key to performing well?

Executive-level diversity and inclusion is on the rise, says new McKinsey ‘Diversity Wins’ report.

How good leadership leads to greater diversity

Good leadership is the key to a work environment where diversity can thrive, says startup strategy advisor Tzvete Doncheva.

5 steps on how to manage your mental health working from home

Professional services recruitment firm Michael Page has a finger on the pulse of mental health while working remotely

Businesses answer the cries for disability inclusion – but we aren’t there yet

Airbnb, Mitsubishi Chemical, Nationwide, SAP, UniCredit and Wipro sign up to global disability inclusion movement – The Valuable 500