Search results for: inclusive workplace

Empathy- The missing link to inclusion

Will understanding what drives our decision-making processes lead to an unbiased workplace full of empathy? The ECC explores…

#BiasCorrect returns in support of International Women’s Day

Catalyst’s 2020 #BiasCorrect campaign engages men and offers multiple languages in Slack plugin and other tools.

Is “belonging” missing from our discussions about D&I?

Is the idea of belonging lacking from how we approach D&I? Some people believe so, says Michaela Jeffery-Morrison.

CBI urges firms to reveal ethnicity pay gap data

New CBI guide shares key recommendations on how companies of all sizes can ‘Bridge the Gap’ in ethnicity pay.

Everyone is accountable for promoting D&I at Salt Lake County Government

Salt Lake County Government in Utah is in the fast lane on the D&I journey, so much so that it is seen as the go-to resource.

Willis Towers Watson launches Respect at Work programme

Trained Respect at Work colleagues to provide a first line of support as part of building a more inclusive culture.

Aubrey Blanche joins Culture Amp as Global Head of Equitable Design & Impact

Diversity, equity, and inclusion veteran joins Culture Amp to drive it’s visionary approach to equality in the workplace.

TripActions: fostering a good attitude, grit and a no-limits mindset

TripActions Meagen Eisenberg has navigated the ‘bulldozers’ to carve out over 20 successful gender-neutral years in marketing.

Applause Accessibility Tool: a panacea for software development issues

Applause Labs’ free new Applause Accessibility Tool helps businesses become more compliant and digitally savvy.

Hassell Inclusion: making the digital world accessible for all

Hassell Inclusion is on a mission to make websites, phone apps and other digital products fully accessible to people with disabilities.