Search results for: black entrepreneur

Can Amazon’s small business bootcamp tackle racial inequality in entrepreneurship?

The e-commerce giant has been promoting itself as a small business supporter for a while – their new digital bootcamp promises the same for Black founders

Lloyds Bank to focus on black business leaders

The banking group is set to challenge the obstacles which hinder growth for black business leaders and those wanting to start a business

#talkboutblack: so…where do we go from here?

Leading Fund Manager at LGIM, and a key mastermind behind #talkaboutblack, asks what’s next on the road to race equality in the UK

Black British Business Awards reveals the best of 2020

Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner partner named Black British Business Person of the year in BBBAwards, as winners are revealed

UK black founders are more likely to hire diverse teams

The makeup of UK tech businesses are more likely to be diverse if launched by black founders, says new 10×10 report

Black British Business Awards celebrates the Black British community

The month-long celebration will culminate a landmark year in history for racial equity in the UK

OneTech and JPMorgan Chase shore up underrepresented entrepreneurs

The lack of diversity within entrepreneurs is an issue that OneTech and its peers remain committed to tackling.

The Black British Business Awards reveals 2020’s outstanding black talent

Going into its seventh year, The Black British Business Awards continues to celebrate the strength of the black British community

Why is Black talent ‘opting out’ of corporate America?

The Black talent exodus: will the current climate force corporate America into action to stem the tide?

The possible impact of the Black Lives Matter campaign on companies

Henrietta Shirazu explains there are multiple ways to tackle racism in the workplace in the wake of the Black Lives Matters movement