Search results for: encourage women into STEM

Red Hat: women in STEM need the support of both genders

It’s not enough to simply support other women in STEM; both genders need to work together to see gender equality in the industry

Doing it Anyway: empowering women to consider a career in tech

Tech Talent Charter’s high-profile creative campaign ‘Doing it Anyway’ directs working-age women to tech vacancies and retraining programmes

Has the way that the STEM industries treat women changed?

The STEM industries are dominated by men. Here Pooja Malpani, Head of Engineering for Bloomberg Media, shares how she shunned the stereotypes.

How intersectionality is at play for women in STEM

Women working in STEM face significant challenges

Women beware – ‘reckless caution’ and the thief in the night

The equity opportunity for women is ripe – if only more would use investing as a tool to grow their financial wealth

Women’s Equality Day: assessing the gender gap in STEM

Over 100 years since women secured the right to vote, will it be another century before they achieve equality in STEM?

Why private equity offers a “brilliant career for women

Fewer women work in private equity than in any other area of the financial sector

Women in Engineering Day: what about women in tech?

The number of women in engineering has doubled in ten years, yet the number of women in tech is yet to reach the same mark.

International Women in Engineering Day: taking a step in the right direction

Even though the tech industry has evolved greatly, only one in five jobs are held by women in the wider engineering sector as a whole.

Code First Girls: supporting women towards a career in tech

Anna Brailsford, CEO Code First Girls, highlights the importance of education, community and gender diversity in tech.