Best Practice

How to turn your recruitment processes into a winning formula following a pandemic

Has the pandemic forced firms to revolutionise their recruitment processes? Nabila Salem, President at Revolent Group, thinks so…

Biggest talent and hiring trends to look out for in 2021

ZoĆ« Morris, President at Frank Recruitment Group, shares how to embrace the new ‘normal’ in recruitment, ahead of our Talent Acquisition and Retention Summit

Racism at work: how to Be an active bystander

Pearn Kandola wants to know what you did the last time you heard someone say or do something racist at work? Nothing is the wrong answer

Anthony Nolan hires Arti Agrawal as new Director of Inclusion, Diversity and Involvement

UK charity Anthony Nolan has announced the appointment of Arti Agrawal as its new Director of Inclusion, Diversity and Involvement

reboot. series: Be yourself, be authentic, be persistent

In this first interview, Invesco CEO Doug Sharp asks Ronnie Ahluwalia about the progress seen in reducing racial inequalities in the workplace

Jane Craven and her mission to “remove stereotypes from tech”

Tech veteran and EPOS Sales Director Jane Craven has experienced her fair share of gender discrimination over the years. Now she wants to help those like her break through

Talent acquisition and retention is key at EY

Ahead of our Talent Acquisition and Retention Summit Joanne Conway, Deputy Head of D&I, EY, shares why it’s so important to get it right

Female technology leaders give advice on breaking into the industry

Female leaders from tech workforce development company, Pluralsight offer other women advice about breaking into the industry including what they’ve learned along the way

Learning to code: inclusion and digital equality for girls need a shift in policy

iamtheCODE is doing all it can to empower young girls, encourage them to learn to code and embrace a brilliant career in tech

How aspiring females can achieve their first leadership role

Throughout history we have seen many powerful women across the world excel in leadership and demonstrate key characteristics that, if emulated and embraced, have the power to fundamentally change society for the better.