
How to tackle presenteeism in the workplace during a pandemic

Presenteeism is on the rise with employees feeling the pressure to turn up to the office at all costs, even when ill

Black British Business Awards reveals the best of 2020

Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner partner named Black British Business Person of the year in BBBAwards, as winners are revealed

Yes, inclusion must come before diversity – here’s how to make it happen

Mark Sawyier, CEO of Bonfyre, believes without an inclusive workplace, diversity, trust, innovation, and talent retention will not exist

Women in IT Virtual Summit New York: Actions speak louder than words

The Women in IT Virtual Summit New York has had enough of performative efforts, and real action is the only solution

NatWest launches mentoring scheme for female business owners

Joint initiative with Be the Business shows further support for female business owners on National Mentoring Day

Commonwealth Financial Network expands industry leadership

Commonwealth FN’s new VP, Chief Diversity and Inclusion officer brings experience and expertise to the industry giant

Centrepoint: trust is key if you want your remote workers to shine

Seyi Obakin, CEO of Centrepoint on “an exceptional time to be in leadership” and the importance of gaining trust

Only 15% of FTSE 100 CTOs are women — time for a change?

Research from developer recruitment platform CodinGame has found that only 15% of FTSE 100 CTOs are women

6 common questions around leadership anxieties, answered

A recent report by RADA Business has revealed that 94% of professionals struggle with anxiety around communicating

The rights that Ruth Bader Ginsburg won are under attack

Ruth Bade Ginsburg spent her life fighting for the rights of women, but in 2020, those same rights are being taken away.