Posts from diversityq

Workplace masculinity is enabling sexism and poor male mental health

Workplace masculinity is leading to toxic leadership, sexism with impunity, and poor mental health

EHRC warns retailers about face mask discrimination

Retailers risk violating the Equality Act 2020 if they refuse customers who are exempt from wearing face coverings

Overcoming bias: 3 tips for better insight into your employees and markets

While companies claim to value diversity often they harbour personal and organisational bias limiting access to wider perspectives

50% of the workforce don’t believe in D&I says study

Do we need to use more positive language to frame D&I initiatives?

BAME stars of the NHS congratulated at third outing of BAME HCAs

The BAME HCAs announced its third set of exceptional winners

Women in IT Summit USA Part 1 welcomed intersectional perspectives on female inclusion

A diverse set of speakers featured in the first part of the Women in IT Summit, USA Edition 2021

Talent firm’s new initiative will help employers pursue real diversity

A new initiative by talent acquisition firm Guidant Global promises real diversity in recruitment for employers via the help of D&I experts

4 habits of highly successful businesswomen

The challenges businesswomen face may be surmountable, but it’s a lot easier when you pack your mental wellbeing case with the right tools

COVID-19 hits employment and pay levels for older workers

Since COVID-19 older workers are more affected by unemployment and take longer to get a job

reboot: Be braver and call out conscious bias

State Street’s Ritu Shirgaokar says racial bullying is still an issue in the workplace