Posts from cheryl-cole

Fintech has a bigger diversity, equality and inclusion problem than it realises

Paysafe is making strides to embed diversity, equality and inclusion across its workforce but can other fintech firms make the same claim?

Why skills are more important than degrees in today’s workplace

IWD21-Insight from Global Female C Suite Leader Teresa Barreira of Publicis Sapient

Teleperformance: putting employees’ first

Transferring 80% of its employees from office to home has helped Teleperformance weather the storm of the COVID-19 pandemic

Why advertising needs to further evolve to be inclusive of diverse communities

…this includes avoiding tokenistic campaigns and stereotyping while respectfully representing the diverse communities they serve

Pay by gender, race and ethnicity under the spotlight in California

California state law now requires companies employing 100 or more people to provide information about pay by gender, race and ethnicity

Faith is the forgotten D&I characteristic

Why recognising faith groups within the workplace can provide a much needed lift to your diversity, equity and inclusion strategy

This firm earned a 100 on HRC’s Equality Index – here’s how you can too

In three years, West Monroe saw its Index score jump 25 points to be named a ‘Best Place to Work for LGBTQ+ Equality’…

Techfugees: empowering refugees through technology

The number of displaced people on the planet is close to 80 million – a population the size of Germany and a rich source of talent.

Adaptive personalities essential for steering through technological change

Data is king and influences everything, says Tasha Jones ahead of this month’s Women in IT Summit USA

How employee ownership aids diversity and inclusion

When employees don’t feel included, they are more likely to leave. Michael Levin shares how to keep hold of your diverse talent