
LGBT inclusion should come from leadership

100 business leaders have been noted for their passionate commitment to LGBT+ rights at work

How to support managers to reduce the stigma of workplace mental ill-health

Nuffield Health’s latest whitepaper ‘MORE THAN WORDS’ shines a light on the importance of language to normalise everyday mental health ill-health

Female entrepreneurs powering economy and communities celebrated

Some of the UK’s most inspiring entrepreneurs recognised by f:Entrepreneur for their powerful contribution to society, the economy and communities

Was 2020 a watershed year for D&I? The blue touch-paper is lit for 2021

Chris Parke, CEO at Talking Talent calls for leaders to do more to make our working lives more agile and flexible in 2021

Why your employee approach can undermine business success

Expert’s game changing performance review strategy; a boon for business owners, department heads and human resource managers

ExecOnline: supporting inclusive and diverse leadership opportunities

When investing in inclusion and diversity, you cannot manage what you do not measure, according to ExecOnline founder and CEO Stephen Bailey

7 Ways 2020 changed leadership forever

This year leaders have had no choice but to alter the way they do things, and Impact International has been looking at how

Boards are putting stronger emphasis on ESG and D&I priorities

Four-in-five companies planning to change ESG measures in executive pay plans over next three years

“Can my employer make me get a COVID-19 vaccine?”

As COVID-19 vaccinations are rolled out to the most vulnerable in society, employees are asking about their vaccine rights

BAME HCAs: a strong advocate against bullying and harassment

His knack for solving problems for BAME healthcare professionals earned Dr Syed Mujtaba Hasnain Nadir a National BAME Health & Care Award