Representation in the boardroom – FTSE 350 hits 40% women
Underneath the headline, work needs to continue to ensure balanced decision
Underneath the headline, work needs to continue to ensure balanced decision
Daniel Glyn-Jones and Michael Drew reveal how Odgers Berndtson is spearheading better diversity in STEM
In honour of Women’s Equality Day 2021, female tech leaders reflect on the ways to improve workplace inclusion
With the female drop out rate in tech as high as 50%, could mentorship programmes for women help?
FDM credits its improved gender pay gap to a series of gender inclusion initiatives
Gender parity in senior FTSE 350 roles could generate £123 billion for the UK economy
Leaders need to adopt grassroots ‘followership’ styles to encourage more women into tech, says Alexandra Limerick at WEX
So Just Shop employs impoverished women across developing economies
Privately held fintech firms from around the world are being asked to get involved with a data study to show where they’re going wrong with diversity, starting with women
As the world moves online, the Institute of Coding credits online courses with improving gender balance in tech