Female leaders

Speaker Spotlight: Tracy Quah

Tracy Quah, Vice President, Marketing, Asia Pacific and Japan, Informatica, shares why she is excited to be speaking at the upcoming Women in IT Summit Asia

Tracy Quah on why the future of tech is female

Informatica’s VP of Marketing Tracy Quah explains that tech is a sector that women can pivot into

Speaker Spotlight: Sheena Yap Chan

Sheena Yap Chan, Founder and Host, The Tao of Self Confidence, shares why she is excited about the upcoming Women in IT Summit, Canada

Gender pay gap data 2020/2021 – why firms haven’t improved and what they need to do

The average pay gap of all firms that submitted their data is the same as the last financial year

Asset management – is it time for a rebrand and culture overhaul?

New ways of thinking and acting can take the sector down a more purpose-driven path

There’s still time to sign up for the Women in IT Summit Canada

The event will tackle burnout, male allyship and becoming a purpose-driven leader

Learning from female leaders during the pandemic

We’re always taught to learn from male leaders, what about the other way around?

The role Middle Eastern men need to play in supporting the growth of female leaders

Today there are considerable opportunities for women and men to re-design the future of leadership to foster inclusion

Mastercard to help diverse-led small businesses on digital journey

Mastercard’s Strive initiative will offer personalised support to small businesses led by women and ethnic minorities

New platform Txeya offers diverse entrepreneurs more inclusive funding options

A new fintech platform will offer better funding and scale-up options to diverse-led businesses