Search results for: working women

Why retraining and data sharing will create diverse tech roles

Currently there aren’t enough women and ethnic minorities represented in UK tech roles. With a global skills shortage on the horizon, firms need to start hiring from a more diverse talent pool

From a humble background to leading a thriving and diverse company

Diversity in social class, culture and gender is helping to spur the growth of Vector Capital Group, as Founder and CEO Sezer Sherif reveals

New programme gives disadvantaged youths access to green-economy employers

A new initiative is helping young people from disadvantaged backgrounds meet employers from innovative sectors, including low-carbon, tech, and advanced manufacturing businesses

Global law firm offers pro-bono advice to black-led businesses

With Black founders facing a tougher funding climate than other groups, the more organisations share scale-up advice, support, and access to networks, the better

Meet the company driving inclusion in London’s property sector

Can a property firm’s new inclusion policies help solve the sector’s wider representation issues?

Aviva Investors: striving to tackle racial inequality in the investment industry

Marte Borhaug, Global Head of Sustainable Outcomes at Aviva Investors, delves into the firm’s engagement strategy towards racial inequality

New recruitment drive offers hope to tech sector minorities

FDM Group is already known for hiring and upskilling women returners, could growing demands for its consultants mean it will improve its minority recruitment policy too?

Can Amazon’s small business bootcamp tackle racial inequality in entrepreneurship?

The e-commerce giant has been promoting itself as a small business supporter for a while – their new digital bootcamp promises the same for Black founders

“It’s important to hold themselves accountable,” speakers discuss workplace demands at WIT GLOBAL

Equity in remote working, the meaning of belonging in an organisation, and next-gen workforce demands were some of the hot topics tackled in the event’s sessions.

New campaign boosts female representation in media and advertising

Natwest and Getty images’ #BeTheRoleModel campaign celebrates the success of female small business owners from industries across the UK