Search results for: race

BAME HCAs: a strong advocate against bullying and harassment

His knack for solving problems for BAME healthcare professionals earned Dr Syed Mujtaba Hasnain Nadir a National BAME Health & Care Award

GSMA launches framework to improve inclusion for people with disabilities

Technology helps improve the lives of people with disabilities across the world. It must be truly accessible for all

CBI: fairness and equality can define London’s post-covid economy

Equality, innovation and net-zero priorities will help drive the capital’s economic recovery, say London’s business leaders

Guidelines launched for visual representation of transgender community

Photographers and videographers given the creative license to support the authentic visual representation of the broader LGBTQ community

Senior management is failing to support workplace wellbeing, study finds

For businesses to implement effective mental wellbeing strategies, senior management must start providing better support

2020’s toll on the workplace

A new report from our WIT Summit USA media partner the Center for Women and Business (CWB), reveals the impact of the pandemic and racial justice crises on workplaces

Gen Z: How this generation could be your diversity and inclusion saviour

Gen Z is full of diversity-focused digital-savvy candidates. Why then are they finding it so hard to find work?

Most comprehensive diversity and inclusion report ever launched

McKenzie-Delis Packer Review is the first review of its’ kind to take a holistic approach to diversity and inclusion

Diversity and inclusion critical to UK economic recovery – CBI president

55 signatories now committed to Change the Race Ratio campaign

BAME HCAs: the true measure of wealth is good health

When BAME HCAs winner Dr Danso realised the healthcare needs of her friends and family were underserved, she decided to do something about it…